William Charles Demarco Abernethy Fitzwilliam Parkinson

The information about the person below comes from the 'Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 to 1919' database, a service provided by The Naval & Military Press through the www.nmarchive.com web site.
www.nmarchive.com is a web site for military historians and family genealogists offering a wealth of information to everyone.
The 'Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 to 1919' database comprises of eighty one volumes that were published in 1921 embracing every regiment and corps of the British Army, listing almost 662,000 Soldiers and 41,000 Officers who died during World War One.

Regiment, Corps etc This information is available at www.nmarchive.com
Battalion/etc This information is available at www.nmarchive.com
Surname William charles demarco abernethy fitzwilliam
Christian Name William Charles Demarco Abernethy Fitzwilliam
Initials W C D A F
Rank This information is available at www.nmarchive.com
Number This information is available at www.nmarchive.com
Died Date This information is available at www.nmarchive.com
Died How This information is available at www.nmarchive.com
Theatre of War This information is available at www.nmarchive.com
Supplementary Notes This information is available at www.nmarchive.com

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